
POETRY - Redemption

Introducing our book: Listen Carefully to Me 

A Listen Carefully to Me book extract: 13th October
Remember, it is My task, My God-given task, to serve. For this I came; for this I continue to be your Saviour. You learnt the other day that salvation means ‘spiritual health’. Can you not see a wealth of opportunity awaits you and others through you when you come to be set free in Me – free of your concerns, emptied out so I can fill you afresh with Mine?

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By Sue O'Donnell 28 Sep, 2021
“He, the God of Israel, gives strength and power to His people. Blessed be God.” (Psalm 68 v 35 TNJB) But, the snares of sin impede us. They prevent holiness. This problem is serious And concerns all of us. In mankind is something rotten, Unworthy, impure, hateful to God. We were not made for this. A force of arrogance and defiance Is the wrong strength and power. Life is not meant to be like it is. We need a Healer Reformer. Our sins require a Redeemer. Sins’ snare ruins our readiness for that holiness By which we will enter the kingdom promised us. “The path of the Upright One is honesty; You smooth the honest way of the upright. Following the path of Your judgments, Yahweh, we set our hopes in You, Your name, Your memory are all our soul desires. At night my soul longs for You and my spirit within me seeks You out; for when Your judgments appear on earth the inhabitants of the world learn what saving justice is.” (Isaiah 26 v 7, 8, 9 TNJB) Our eternal welfare is assured in Jesus. He comes to save and sanctify us. Jesus comes to make us worthy Of the honoured title of God’s family. The gospel message of redemption, The good news of Christ Jesus, Is as relevant today as it ever was. We have a Brother who is Saviour, Born to us at Christmas. We make ready to celebrate A specific date in history, The mystery of God’s love gifted us In the Person of His Son We name ‘Christ Jesus.’ “ ‘...Mary...that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit’.” (Matthew 1 v 20) “ ‘And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins’.” (Matthew 1 v 21) “Let grace be shown to the wicked, yet (s)he will not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness (s)he will deal unjustly.” (Isaiah 26 v 10) O Lord, sadly this is so. I am sorry. What is the matter with us? Why all this unholiness? We are in the season of Advent, a holy season where repentance is a hallmark. May we hear the Spirit’s call to repent. We need the Spirit’s strength to help us own up to what is wrong. We find this so uncomfortable, disappointing and distressing. We need the Spirit’s strength to put things right, to do better in seeking holiness. May the Spirit of wisdom and truth enable us to shine the spotlight on our spirituality. Is this fully Christian? Do we try sufficiently to live by the gospel message of love, knowing this promotes hope, peace and joy. Dearest Father, in our weakness, send us Your Spirit to convict us of our mistaken ways, helping us to repent fully, remorsefully, believing in Your mercy. “As tenderly as a father treats his children, so the Lord God treats those who fear Him.” (Psalm 103 v 17 TNJB) Our fear is our reverence. Our reverence must prepare us now, please purify us, make us ready to receive our Saviour Brother. You are the Lord of freedom and grace. Please redeem us out of Your love and mercy as shown to us by the Lord Jesus. He will soon be coming into all hearts and minds which have made spiritually ready to receive Him. Jesus comes to us as Healer and Redeemer, that we can live anew through Your mercifully loving kindness and forgiveness. Oh how we need this, urgently need this help, this healing, this setting free from sin. “Let our conscience be clear, our conduct without fault, our speech blameless, our life well ordered. Put us on guard against human weaknesses; let us cherish Your love for us, keep Your law and come at last to Your salvation.” (The Universal Prayer changed from a singular invocation) Lord, I am sorry for the times I fail to come to You, I forget to pray or do not make sufficient time for this. It is my fault that I forfeit the benefits. I am sorry when I do not focus on You properly, as when I am busy about worldly affairs. I neglect to consult You about all manner of things. I am sorry when I lose hope, despairing at the state of the world, or at certain ways of life resulting in catastrophe. I am sorry for any ways in which I have contributed to any downfall, whereby we forfeit Your grace and favour. I am sorry when I do not talk to You with sufficient time to spend, or without real concentration or application of thought to the teachings of sacred Scripture, carelessly thinking I will manage somehow. I am sorry when I hand over the reigns of control at the start of the day, only to snatch them back again later. Does this show a lack of trust? Or is it just hurried carelessness? I am sorry when I allow feelings to cloud focus, when wishes displace an uncomfortable, unwarranted reality, but instead of praying, I try to do things my way. I am sorry for being judgmental, critical and for any lack of love however this manifests itself. If I am fault finding, I should be looking at myself. I am sorry for allowing any darkness of thought, word, action or re-action obliterate the light of Your love shining over and amongst us, for I have not asked for wisdom. I am sorry for all the times I have headed off in the wrong direction, especially if this has involved anybody else going astray. I am truly sorry for failure to obey. I am sorry for the many, many times my preparation for Christmas was merely, or mostly, secular, overlooking the purpose, meaning and joy of the incarnation. I am sorry that I procrastinate when it comes to preparing for and attending the time of Reconciliation, when You promise us the mercy and forgiveness the Lord Jesus won for us. I do not want to be bothered to do this, or I know it will be painful. I am sorry for the countless blessings I and my family receive on a daily basis, yet I forget to think of You and offer praise for such kindness, the goodness of the Trinity. I am sorry for being so wrapped up by my difficulties, distress, daily challenges, that I fail to give sufficient attention to the needs of others, which sometimes are dire. I am sorry if the Holy Spirit prompts me and I fail to notice this, or go about responding in the wrong way, my way because I think I can act independently. This is foolish, I am so sorry. I am sorry for curtailing prayer because I tire, or think I have something else more important to do. In this I may be forfeiting the blessings You wish to give others through me. Yes, I am sorry. I am sorry if love is not the foundation of all that I am, desire to be, try to be; for the times I lose hope and sense despair; for being afraid of dying, for feeling insecure even knowing You are with me. I am sorry when I do not fulfil the target I made, so as to pray sufficiently and track progress or otherwise. Especially at the end of the day I fail to take stock. I am sorry when I do not speak up openly in defence of our Christian faith; do not share the conviction of the new life offered us in Christ Jesus; do not act as a believer full of love; fail to live up to the highest standards set for us. I am sorry if I spend too much time in prayer consulting You about my own needs, wants, wishes, worries, to the exclusion of similar for others. I am sorry for all self-centredness. I am sorry that I do not always act as if I am a good work in progress, open to the Holy Spirit, alert to the requests of the Lord Jesus, as summed up in the demand to love others as we love ourselves. I am sorry if I have lived carelessly in my way, in thought, ambition, speech, action and response, especially to disappointment or in the face of distress. I am sorry for the pattern of my faults which result in all manner of failings, which mar life, especially if this spoils it for someone else. I am sorry when I fail to turn to Jesus, my Redeemer, more readily, promptly, especially when I realise my own hidden agenda had been motivating me. Father God, sin is so serious it sent the Lord Jesus to die on the †, that we in being forgiven could strive again to become holy. Please accept our efforts. I am sorry for anything which displeases, dishonours or dismays You. I am sorry that much of what we say and do disgusts You. Thank You that You are able to overlook all of this for the salvation won for us at Jesus’ † is Your plan for our eternal joy. How loving, how gracious, how kind You are to us. May the mercies of Your love make a real difference to us as we prepare to receive our Saviour. Christmas is a season of glorious blessing, thank You. Amen. 07.12.20 Sue O’Donnell
By Sue O'Donnell 23 Sep, 2021
“Again and again He rescued them, but they chose to rebel against Him, and they were finally destroyed by their sin.” (Psalm 106 v 43 NLT) Do you seek spiritual renewal? The tool to use is the love of Christ Jesus. He offers us this for the purpose of holiness. The fuel we need is the Holy Spirit. He who fills the life of Jesus, making this exemplary. To start the process of spiritual renewal we need forgiveness. Look to the †of Calvary following Christ’s Passion, His agony of mind in the mock trial, and the Garden of Gethsemane. Study what happened in His Passion and Crucifixion. Prayerfully ask what difference does this make to us? “ ‘I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners, and need to repent’.” (Luke 5 v 32) The Holy Spirit will teach us about cleansing, About healing, purifying and sanctification. All of which lead to veneration and our life’s consecration. The Spirit will explain how and why righteousness matters And how to seek, find and claim this in Christ Jesus. His righteousness is shared with all believing in Him As Saviour, as Redeemer, atoning for our sinfulness. The † at Calvary gives rise to new life in us. The sacrifice of Christ Jesus winning us mercy, The extraordinary mercy of our Father’s forgiveness. Blessed are those who live in the company of the Lord Jesus. “Go away all you who do evil, for the LORD has heard my weeping. The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD will answer my prayer.” (Psalm 6 v 8, 9 NLT) Claiming His friendship daily, prayerfully, joyously, We learn how His blood shed at the † for us, Is the cogent of our saving from sin by love’s mercy. But this is not the entire story. We need to learn to repent and Lent is a good time for this. Repentance can be expressed at any time of course, Lent is a time of extra spiritual preparation. We prepare for Easter and ultimately the joys of heaven. Repentance, remorse and contrition, all have to be taught us. The Holy Spirit, an Advocate standing beside us, helps us. “Bend down, O LORD and hear my prayer; answer me for I need Your help. Protect me, for I am devoted to You. Save me, for I serve You and trust in You. You are my God.” (Psalm 86 v 1, 2 NLT) He blesses us by returning our thoughts, ideas, decisions and actions To the original idea of holiness behind our early creation. The Holy Spirit is the Counsellor we need to lead us into all truth. The truth regarding our fallen, broken state of humanity. The truth that our Saviour Brother can heal this, And will do so if we ask earnestly, expectantly, prayerfully. The righteousness we gain in our Father’s eyes, Is the blessing of grace, holy love’s fond embrace, Of forgiveness, of kindness, compassion and concern For each and every aspect of our wellbeing, As long as we journey on through life accompanied by our Saviour. His companionship in the Holy Spirit is the richest source of grace. “Satisfy us each morning with Your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.” (Psalm 90 v 14 NLT) “He pitied them in their distress and listened to their cries. He remembered His covenant with them and relented because of His unfailing love.” (Psalm 106 v 44, 45) Lord, we seek spiritual renewal because our faith in Christ Jesus teaches us that You say to us, gifting us such hope, a realistic hope: “ ‘Those who were not My people, I will now call My people. And I will love those whom I did not love before...They will be called children of the living God’.” (Romans 9 v 25b, 26 NLT) We rely on Christ Jesus as Saviour and Redeemer. “ ‘This man’ they said, ‘Welcomes sinners and eats with them’.” (Luke 15 v 2) What a hope is reinforced for us, thank You. May we work through the days of Lent with humble, contrite hearts, sorry for all the ways in which we have spoiled the image You created in us, a likeness to the Person of the Trinity, we have marred by sin. Have mercy on us Lord. We seek to begin again. For times of self righteousness, forgive our arrogance. Lord, have mercy. For the criticism and judgments we have heaped on others, so unjustly, forgive our condemnation. Lord, have mercy. For our acts of lovelessness towards those whom we dislike or disapprove, forgive please our sinfulness. Oh Lord, we stand in dire need of Your mercy. You knit us together in the womb, fearfully and most wonderfully made to reflect Your character and personality of love, forgiveness and mercy. But we have not lived up to this high ideal. For my faults and failures I am truly sorry. Please free me to being anew through Your mercy. “Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.” (Traditional Catholic prayer) I stand in dire need of Your healing help. As a Trinity, You protect us. this protection always includes guarding us from all that is evil, steering us away from temptation which we may succumb to. May the Spirit ever increase our awareness of anything that is unacceptable to You, Lord God. It is all too easy to become de-sensitised when foul language and immoral behaviour are around us, especially as this invades our viewing on the television. Turn our eyes, ears, hearts, minds away from anything which is abhorrent or distressing to You. We are graced by Your presence when we invite You into any situation, especially when we make ready to hand over the reigns of control to Your sovereign authority. Here all things work together for good for our own benefit, even in the fiercest spiritual battle. Is grace given in accordance with our soul and spirit’s sincerity, our desire to become holy? I think it must be, as in offering our life to You, the Holy Spirit together with the Lord Jesus, are activated. Let us then pray to approach Your throne of grace confidently, expectantly, dearest Father. We can look for mercy to be always available, thank You. It must be important to remember that however willing our spirit is to be controlled, we are weak in the flesh. Hence, I suppose, the Lenten practice of self denial. May our efforts to die to self, to rise to the new life the risen Lord Jesus offers us, be rewarded. We must become strengthened to face up to temptation successfully. “When I am afraid I will put my trust in You,” (Psalm 50 v 3) for I know You have never failed to be merciful to me, Father God. “I will praise You for what You have promised” (based on v 4) for I know all holds true through the gift of the Lord Jesus making us righteous. I frequently feel sorry, feel ashamed of my failings. Thank You for wiping the record sheet clean, my sins not only forgiven by You, but forgotten as well. I only need to start to feel sorrowful and You rescue me, help me, uplift and encourage me. Thank You for the rescue that comes through repentance. “I cry out in my distress,” (Psalm 55 v 17) and You never ignore me, but listen and respond. The power of holy love within the Trinity “Ransoms me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, though many still oppose me.” (v 18) For this spiritual battle to overcome all that is evil and so dishonours You, Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, Lord, this is ongoing. Thank You that we never have to fight this battle alone. May all people of Christian faith well understand that there is every sound reason to “Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.” (1 Corinthians 16 v 13 NLT) This should be our blueprint. May we realise in our friendship with the Lord Jesus, that You, Lord, long to bless us by holiness. Therefore You want us to patiently endure testing and temptation, not succumbing to anything wrong. “Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away,” (James 1 v 16 NLT) unless we cling to the Lord Jesus. And this is serious because in our downfall we fall away from grace easily. “These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death,” (v 15) the final, eternal separation between humanity and divinity. We pray then, asking for help, seeking strength to win in our battle against all that is evil, seeking to destroy us. When we turn to our Saviour and pray, dependent upon the Holy Spirit, then Eternal Father, I know You “Keep us from all harm and watch over our life,” (based on Psalm 121 v 7) May this always be so. Keep us safe, Lord, during this Lenten season. May Your Spirit direct our thoughts, intentions, decisions, safeguarding us as we pray, seeking to deepen and strengthen our relationship with Christ Jesus. For it is in this we will win through the spiritual battles, finding spiritual renewal. Please guard us against the temptations which assail us. May we be faithful through faith’s practices. During Lent we are called to take the path of deeper conversion by embracing a Spirit of holy self-denial. I ask that we rejoice to do this, because it will make us more Christlike, thereby honouring Him, delighting You, Father, and rewarding the hard work of the guiding Spirit. We live immersed in moral and spiritual destitution. We must plead for mercy, admit to our own part in this, our failings and entrenched faults, seeking to bear witness to the Gospel Message of graced love and forgiveness. Let us commit to more fervent prayer, so as to help society grow stronger in Christian love, always practising holiness. Let us accomplish this by always facing up to evil, but relying upon the power of holy love to see us not fail. I ask all of this in the name of the Lord Jesus, for in Him, through Him, by Him, according to the zealous efforts of the Holy Spirit, we gain a spiritual renewal which celebrates holiness. Thank You for all that we learn and must put to good practice. Amen. 21.02.21 Sue O’Donnell
By Sue O'Donnell 17 Sep, 2021
“Let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy because You defend them; let those also who love Your name be joyful in You.” (Psalm 5 v 11) Advent was a time to look backwards and forwards. We recall that Jesus has come as the Light of the world. A Saviour who was to be born amongst us. God reaches out to us in mercy and healing power. Our hope is centred upon the Word of Life. No more darkness, no more sin, no more death, For we claim to have a forever Saviour in Christ Jesus. The Light of the World is personified. ‘Trust Me’, He will say to us. ‘I come to help you’. This Light of Jesus will conquer all sinfulness, As long as we co-operate with our Father’s plan for our redemption. “Therefore we have no cause to be downhearted because, by God’s mercy, we have been given His ministry of glory. For this reason we have put all shameful ways behind us and have nothing to hide.” (2 Corinthians 4 v 1, 2 The Truth) His plan for our salvation, our redemption, this ministry of glory, Is God’s plan purposed in the life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Do we truly, fully believe this has happened? Or is the gospel consigned to ancient history? Do we meet with our Saviour Brother regularly By praying and receiving Him in the Holy Eucharist, So we become convinced Jesus is as He says He is? Do we live by this truth that our Father of mercy Out of compassionate love for us has sent us a Saviour? Do we receive the quality and quantity of love the Lord Jesus offers us As the Light of the World and the Bread of Life? “But as for me, I will sing about Your power. I will shout with joy each morning because of Your unfailing love.” (Psalm 59 v 16) “God, You are my God, I pine for You; my heart thirsts for You, my body longs for You, as a land parched, dreary and waterless. Thus I have gazed on You in the sanctuary, seeing Your power and Your glory. Better Your faithful love than life itself; my lips will praise You. Thus I will bless You all my life, in Your name lift up my hands. All my longing fulfilled as with fat and rich foods, a song of joy on my lips and praise in my mouth.” (Psalm 63 v 1-5 TNJB) Please pray for a greater trust in the peace and joy which become ours when we turn our life over to the Lord Jesus. Please pray that we do not lose the vigour and determination of our Advent prayer, our hopeful awaiting. “My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning – yes, more than those who watch for the morning.” (Psalm 130 v 6) Should we not pray in this vein because it expresses our ardent desire for our Saviour Brother to be with us, and it must honour Him to say so? Please pray with the peace and joy gifted us during the Christmas season. Pray that we never lose our confidence in the One born to save us from sin and to sanctify us by His Spirit. “...hope in the LORD from this time forth and forever.” (Psalm 131 v 3) Please pray that our hope develops a firm trust in all the benefits our holiness reaps for us in Jesus’ friendship and the Spirit’s efforts. Amen. 14.01.21 Sue O’Donnell
By Sue O'Donnell 15 Sep, 2021
“ ‘Do not forget this! Keep it in mind! ...Remember the things I have done in the past...Only I can tell you the future before it happens’.” (Isaiah 46 v 8, 10 NLT) Profit from loss. Loss of confidence, Turn to Jesus. Loss of Hope, Yearn for Jesus. Loss of prospects, Ask of Jesus. Loss of opportunity, Work with Jesus. “Grant that in this day given to You we may receive such strength and guidance, that we shall be enabled to go out to walk with You, and not to fall from You, in all the days of this week which lies ahead; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (William Barclay) Loss of happiness, Depend on Jesus. Loss of peace, Seek through Jesus. Loss of blessings. Wait on Jesus. Loss of providence, Trust in Jesus. Loss of tranquillity, Pray with Jesus. Profit in all things. “Then you will know that I am the LORD. Those who trust in Me will never be put to shame.” (Isaiah 49 v 23 NLT) “He fell to the ground at Jesus’ feet thanking Him for what He had done.” (Luke 17 v 16 NLT) Lord, please teach us to pray at all times, in all situation, whatever the concerns, for without this life is fraught with all sorts of difficulties. Please pray to bring back the prodigals. Please pray to claim all God’s promises. Please pray to release any foothold of the enemy. Please pray for an increase in the gracious gifts of faith put to best use in the service of others. Please pray for the grace to carry any †of suffering. Please pray to acknowledge our part in any error in society that is due to us, pray repenting. Please pray for those who have lost hope or have no faith, and therefore no hope. Please pray to submit to the Lord Jesus’ authority and obey with a grateful heart. Please pray when in doubt and wait for the reply. Please pray not to miss any word of instruction, or inspiration, or direction. Please pray to call on the Spirit of truth, confident that He will not fail us. Please pray to rely upon His answer however surprising! Please pray to never venture in faith’s walk without asking for and following godly advice. Please pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be evidently successful in the face of any spiritual battle. Please pray to live up to our Christian calling by Your word Lord, clearly put into our service. Please pray to uplift, comfort, console and encourage others that we be waiting of our calling as Christians. Please pray to regain any lost confidence, hope, Christian belief, wisdom, that accompanied by the Lord Jesus, alerted to the Holy Spirit, we find answers, fresh vision and new hope. Please pray for God’s peace to enfold us as His love upholds us. Amen. 09.02.21 Sue O’Donnell
By Sue O'Donnell 11 Sep, 2021
“ He commands everyone to turn away from such ignorance and embrace the truth. And He has set a day when the entire world will be judged with justice by the Man He has appointed, the same Man He has raised from the dead as proof of His intentions.” (Acts 17 v 30, 31 The Truth) Perfection is found in our connection with Christ Jesus, For He is holy, perfectly holy. Being committed to Him as Saviour, Bound together by the Holy Spirit, Makes us one, an indestructible family. Although attached by satan endlessly, He who lives in us, the Lord Jesus, Is greater, stronger, more powerful by far Than he, satan, who is in charge Of this kingdom of the world. Jesus came to deliver us from this evil. He banishes satan by working through His Spirit. The all powerful Spirit is God’s active agent. Working through Jesus, the Spirit helps us, The Spirit enables us to combat satan. Calling on the wisdom and truth of the Lord Jesus. He is our Saviour forever, He rescues us. Jesus is the ever supreme Word of God, He is imperishable, victorious, most glorious, The Conqueror, triumphant over sin and death. “ ‘When the Holy Spirit comes He will reveal to the world what is sinful and what is right in God’s eyes. He will warn people of the judgment which is to come. People will see they remain bound in sin and guilt because they do not believe in Me’.” (John 16 v 8, 9 The Truth) The Spirit of Jesus lives in us, To gift us full knowledge and understanding Of our salvation, God’s rescue plan for man, Our redemption, reclaimed as a favoured family, Our sanctification, the purity this holy family gains in Christ Jesus. Jesus, the Word of Life, is eternal life, Our union is heaven blessed eternally. The Lord Jesus is the justification of our hope of heaven. Humanity and divinity have been inseparably united, For all the grievance of our sinfulness has been mercifully dealt with. Christ Jesus died for us upon the †of forgiveness, That we can live forever dependent upon our all loving Saviour. The seeds of hope are planted in the love of the Lord Jesus, That healed of our sinfulness we become a holy family, Who will live to give glory to God. All praise, all glory, all thanks eternally be For the One God in Three Persons, Who draw near to us to invite us to holiness, Changing our life forever to emulate the holiness of Jesus. “..His Word is at work in you because you believed. As a too are in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 2 v 22 The Truth) “ from the evil desires of youth and run after righteousness, faith, love and peace, together with all the other believers who pray to the LORD with clean hearts.” (2 Timothy 2 v 25, 26) O Lord, dearest Father, what an honour to be known as a person who lives in Christ Jesus, for this means we live in love for the sake of sharing that love. We have been touched by the Holy Spirit’s influence drawing us into friendship with the Lord Jesus. Thank You for our salvation; for showing us how much You love us and Your desire to forgive us for the sake of all the Lord Jesus does for us, living, dying and rising again to change our life for the better. We have a forever Saviour who is the Light of Life. Truly I thank and praise You, esteem You as our Deliverer and Protector, an ever loving Father. The constancy, the security of Your love surrounds us. The Lord Jesus comes to claim us as His own, thank You. Also the Holy Spirit is tireless in His efforts to purify and thereby sanctify us. We are given all we need to live a worthy life, one which will delight You. Oh that we would. “Do your very best to present yourself to God as one who is approved of, a workman who has nothing of which to be ashamed and who handles the Word of truth with care.” (2 Timothy 2 v 14 The Truth) I think we would do well to be very aware of this demand, especially currently when apparently fake news is prevalent. Thank You for allowing us to live in the universal truth which is Christ Jesus, His words and His way. May the Holy Spirit teach us to judge wisely the things of earth whilst being very mindful that this is not our permanent home, hopefully heaven is. We need to be prepared to carry a heavenly weight of glory. This is why it is vital for us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus’ example and His teaching, making the love He offers us the foundation of all we say and do. Without this our life loses its real value. I ask that the Holy Spirit builds up our life in reverence of, deference to the Master, Jesus being Lord over all. His life is one of truth, of goodness, of loving service, such a wonderful example for us. Let us ever pray to Him, through Him, with Him always being gratefully conscious of the fact that Jesus prays for us. In fact all of His life and sacrificial death are a prayer offered for our salvation. To think this is offered every hour of everyday somewhere in the world as the Holy Eucharist is celebrated, this is such an uplifting assurance, a foretaste of the divine life in heaven. “Attract me, Holy Spirit, that I may love what is holy.” (St Augustine) The Lord Jesus is holy, as is the Spirit, as are You, Father God. I must love and exalt the Trinity, the One in Three where I see glory shine. Please help me when I am agitated. Return me to that place of peace which is to be focused upon the Lord Jesus, trusting all will be made well in Him, the Prince of Peace. Clarity may be given me, and if not, then this can be a practice of trust. Remind me please of biblical promises and teachings, for they are totally reliable and pay respect by my reference and deference to their intention, allowing this to calm and quieten me. Show me again and again that the Lord Jesus is our Father’s living and abiding Word of truth, alive and active in every situation as long as we ask for His blessing. Help me please, to become closer to my Saviour Brother in the everyday busyness, for so often I lose sight of Him. On my own I flounder and tumble, sometimes failing to make the effort necessary for success. We all need to receive more of the Master and Saviour if we are to reach perfection and be properly prepared for heaven. Let us listen, learn and respond through a fully receptive heart, mind, will and conscience. Please help us make better progress in our individual and collective quest after holiness. Amen. 14.01.21 Sue O’Donnell
By Sue O'Donnell 03 Sep, 2021
“I shall sing a new song to my God. Lord, You are great, You are glorious, wonderfully strong, unconquerable. May Your whole creation serve You! For You spoke and things came into being, You sent Your breath and they were put together, and no one can resist Your voice.” (Judith 16 v 13,14 TNJB) For now is the appointed time, The time of marvellous works belonging to the Lord Jesus, He who came to save and sanctify us. We will have a Brother who is a promised Saviour! Jesus is holy and life is immeasurably changed. Transformed from its worldly norm for the better, All due to the risen Lord Jesus ever being with us. “ ‘Because this is the time of My favour I have heard you. Because this is the day of salvation I have helped you’.” (2 Corinthians 6 v 2) What a graced privilege to be gifted this marvellous month of rescue, Our healing from the brokenness caused by sin, Begins in the loving forgiveness won for us. The †of the Lord Jesus stands for a profound eternal process. Restitution made for sinfulness, healing is offered us. We are justified as a people of hope. The scope of our life has been totally altered. Our access to heaven is appointed in the Lord Jesus. “ ‘My Father loves Me because I am ready to die for the sheep, only then to be restored to life’.” (John 10 v 17 The Truth) “Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalm to Him. Talk of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the LORD. Seek the LORD and His strength, seek His face evermore! Remember His marvellous works which He has done, His wonders and the judgments of His mouth.” (Psalm 105 v 1-5) Let us pray to offer our praise for the marvellous works of redemption. Our salvation is won by the One who is the living Word of God, the fulfilment of His promise. And what did our Father promise to us? “ ‘I know what I am planning for you. I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.” (Jeremiah 29 v 11 NIV) Praise be for the security of our future as made known to us by our Saviour Brother. “We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near,” (Psalm 75 v 1) near to us in the risen Lord Jesus. Amen. 16.12.20 Sue O’Donnell
By Sue O'Donnell 01 Sep, 2021
“O You, who hear prayer, to You all flesh will come ...As for our transgressions, You will provide atonement for them. Blessed is the (wo)man You choose and cause to approach You.” (Psalm 65 v 1, 3, 4) Love having been the call made by Jesus, Love has to be our total daily focus. Love which is entirely self giving. Love gives completely for others in all our living. Love has to be the hallmark of Christianity, Love being our life given to Jesus, the Lord of glory. Love is the activity of the Holy Spirit. Love is God in us, a work of His own merit. Love comes to claim us through Christ Jesus. Jesus longs to possess us in Jesus, our Saviour, a true Lord. Love overflows with godly purpose regularly. “Who else is there for me in heaven? And with You, I lack nothing on earth.” (Psalm 73 v 18 TNJB) Love shines brightly overcoming adversity. Love is a life joined with the Trinity. Love is abounding, astounding us frequently. Love is seen as Jesus gives His life on the †, Love, His very life sacrificed to heal all of us. Love is greater than anything and everything. Love Is the message the Spirit does bring. Love sees wonders made anew. Love is at work through a life given to man by You. Love asks Jesus to possess us. Love acts in and through the Spirit of holiness. “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who alone works wonders; blessed be forever His glorious name. May the whole world be filled with His glory. Amen! Amen!” (Psalm 72 v 18, 19 TNJB) Love in Jesus is faith’s attraction. Love most truly gifts a holy purpose in action. Love of the Spirit forges our new identity. Love is never lofty, it acts always with humility. Love is gracious, freely received by being godly. Love is glorious, freshly given being our sanctity. Love breaks up the rife of poverty. Love releases incentive skills powerfully. Love is reliable in offering dependency. Love is our witness, to Jesus, a testimony. Love is God’s uplift we need continuously. “For the LORD God is a rampart and shield, He gives grace and glory; the LORD refuses nothing good to those whose life is blameless. O LORD of hosts, blessed is (s)he who trusts in You.” (Psalm 84 v 11, 12 TNJB) Love is the basis of sharing prayerfully. Love marks the journey home to heaven. Love is the ingredient and life’s leaven. Love is the signpost offering clear direction. Love is the means, a holy connection. Love is made ours by the gift of Jesus. Love is the message, the point of Christmas. Love the gift of Jesus sending His Spirit of holiness. Love blesses life, God’s love is most marvellous. Love comes to us at Christmas. Love necessitates preparation for God’s gift of happiness. “React with real joy when you have to face many kinds of opposition and difficulty, for you know that we only learn to persevere when our faith is tested.” (James 1 v 2, 3 The Truth) “This perseverance is essential if we are to become mature, being the people God wants us to be, lacking nothing. You should ask God to supply the wisdom you need, for He gives generously and unreservedly to all who ask.” (James 1 v 4, 5 The Truth) Dearest Father, we need the Holy Spirit of love to help us prepare properly for Christmas, making ready to receive the mystery of the Nativity, love come to earth to remain with us forever. Thank You for the forthcoming gift of our Saviour, who sends us Your Spirit, His very own Spirit as Sanctifier. The teachings of sacred Scripture are invaluable. We are told “Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder.” (Isaiah 9 v 6) May the world come to accept Jesus’ holy authority over us at all times. May the Holy Spirit help us with this. To hear that Jesus’ “Name will be called Wonderful” is to know we will be gifted true love; “Counsellor” is to realise Jesus is full of the Holy Spirit, having been conceived by Him; “Mighty God, Everlasting Father” is to appreciate the perfectly loving unity of the Holy Trinity; “The Prince of Peace” (v 6) is to rejoice in the hope, peace and joy that awaits us. Thank You that Jesus is infinitely stronger than satan, even though the devil holds the keys to the kingdom of this world. Love alone will conquer his dominion finally. Thank You for all that Jesus has already accomplished through gaining love’s forgiveness at the †, enabling us to forgive as we have been forgiven. May Christmas be a season of love and forgiveness for all of us because Jesus, the Lord, is born amongst us to purify, preserve, direct and consecrate us by the Holy Spirit. May our openness to and reverence for the Spirit help us to love perfectly, safeguarded against all that is unloving, for that is evil. Thank You for the daily loving care You offer us Father God, helping us to persevere through life in a love of You which is sincere, uplifting, encouraging, beneficial always, giving rise to countless blessings and innumerable benefits. It is the Holy Spirit who has helped our awareness that we are made Your children, one family in Christ Jesus. What joy this is! Advent is a season of realistic hope in salvation giving rise to joy through the birth of Jesus, our Saviour Redeemer, Prince of Peace and King of Glory, for all times and all peoples on earth. Profoundly we are blessed, thank You! I pray for unbelievers, asking that their hearts and minds be opened by the Holy Spirit, to recognise the love Jesus offers us. Blessed be everybody as they prepare for Christmas when “The saving grace of God has appeared for all men” (Titus 2 v 12 The Truth) in the Word of Truth made flesh amongst us. May we live uprightly, our hopes pinned on Jesus as Saviour, our heart and mind always open to the impulse of the Holy Spirit purifying us, teaching us to deny all that is evil entering into daily life. May we then “Pursue a righteous life - a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith,” (1 Timothy 6 v 11The Message) love beckoning us on. May the Spirit of love prompt us to “Seize the eternal life, the life we are called to,” (based on v 12) as we place all our hope in Jesus, about to be born to us to live in us forever. Already we rejoice to have a forever Saviour, making us know You as our Eternal Father, because the Lord who is the Messiah, the anointed King over heaven and earth, out of love for us sends us His own Spirit of holiness to ensure the blessings of grace are available to us, without shade or shadow of disappointment. Glorious is the result of our belief in and acceptance of the holy love born to us at Christmas. All praise, all thanks, all glory, ever, ever be. Amen. 10.12.20 Sue O’Donnell
By Sue O'Donnell 25 Aug, 2021
“ ‘Anyone who is thirsty, come to Me and drink’.” (John 7 v 37 The Truth) The invitation of Christ Jesus, God’s Son, Is issued to everyone who seek faith in truth. We find in Christ Jesus all we need for holiness. We are asked to seek this first, Then the good order of life falls into place naturally. Holiness is beneficial for all of society. We are offered a share in the Lord Jesus’ holiness, For we can readily identify with His godly life. Society will be renewed through Christ Jesus, As He sends His Spirit, the Spirit of holiness, Emanating from the Father, through the Son, For the truly worthy purpose of making us holy. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3 v 5 NLT) The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, the Paraclete, Who comes to meet with us to counsel and help us. The aim is for us to live like the Lord Jesus shows us, Fully reverent before our Father, in obedience To His will, His wisdom, His wishes. There is to be no compromise, no half heartedness. The Lord Jesus offers us fullness of life. Our faults and failings are mercifully dealt with, At the †of Christ Jesus to justify our fresh start. When we live as the Word of Life requests of us, Reveals to us, asks of us, imperfection vanishes. “Seek His will in all you do and He will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3 v 6 NLT) This is the healing work of salvation, The saving help of the Lord Jesus, Spirit driven, Is our freedom from satan’s deceit, a deliverance. Jesus, the Saviour Redeemer lives within us, We have been liberated from the insistence of our age, Repealing our faults and failings, for in Jesus is our healing. He offers us the power and the wisdom to accomplish this, When we enlist the support of the helpful Spirit, He who makes faith an exciting journey of discovery. The immortality we long for moves within reach. God’s Kingdom upon earth as set up by the Lord Jesus, Becomes the place where we are fulfilled. “Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding...She will guide you down delightful paths; all her ways are satisfying.” (Proverbs 3 v 13, 17 NLT) In this satisfaction of living as we are meant to We feel happier, at peace with our soul and each other. Heaven has touched earth in Christ Jesus. Now it is up to us to live wisely, honourably Putting into daily life the practise of the gospel message. The supreme ideal is for us to become just like Jesus, Fully obedient to our Father’s will and wish. For eternity has already touched us, enthralled us, Encouraged and uplifted us, plying us with hope. Hope is the wisdom and decisions incumbent upon us, Us living through Christ Jesus, heeding the Holy Spirit, Prayer being our conversation with each Person of the Trinity. “Don’t envy sinners, but always continue to fear the LORD. You will be rewarded for this; your hope will not be disappointed.” (Proverbs 23 v 17, 18 NLT) “I listen carefully to what the Lord God is saying, for He speaks peace to His faithful people.” (Psalm 85 v 8 NLT) Please pray because it is imperative to “Let them not return to their foolish ways.” (Psalm 85 v 8 NLT) Please pray because “Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him so our land will be filled with His glory. (v 9) Please pray to realise fully how “Unfailing love and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed!” (v 10) and we are profoundly blessed. Please pray to ensure that “Truth springs up from the earth, and righteousness smiles down from heaven” (v 11) and the need to understand and respond to this is urgent. Please pray so “The LORD pours down His blessings.” (v 12) Please pray asking that “Our land will yield its bountiful harvest” (v 12) of the holiness the Lord Jesus offers us and the Holy Spirit ensures can develop. Please pray for “Righteousness goes as a herald before Him, preparing the way for His steps” (v 13) and in order to reap the benefit, we must live just like Jesus. Amen. 01.02.21 Sue O’Donnell
By Sue O'Donnell 15 Aug, 2021
“ ‘You are My flock, the sheep of My pasture. You are My people, and I am your God, I, the sovereign LORD, have spoken’.” (Ezekiel 34 v 31 NLT) Restore us back, Lord. We lack so much! Sin did begin to undo us, Unravelling life, sometimes completely Until we are lost as a holy society. No longer Your family, We are broken by immorality. What, oh what a tragedy! Call us back, Lord. Restore what we have lost. Nothing good lives in us Unless we share Your holiness. Lord Jesus, Saviour, Brother, Revive to let us survive. Restore more to faith, to prayer Where we learn, then yearn, To always share with You. Or at least we do until sin That did begin our undoing, Seeps throughout our mind and heart To start a rotting process. Bring us back, Lord, according to mercy. “So you also should consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus.” (Romans 6 v 11 NLT) We have no help but You, And Your Spirit of holiness. Thank You for His arrival, Maintaining our survival. May the Spirit enable faith to thrive, Bringing us fully alive In You, through You, Lord Jesus. For You are God with us. We need Your holiness. Call us back, Lord, Lest we fall further. Lord Jesus, the Paschal Mystery, Lord, Saviour and Master over our history, The One who as a Trinity Loves us entirely, and radically. No longer need our soul be lost, Not even momentarily, for You, Lord Jesus, God’s Son, The holy One, is our Saviour Healer. You reach all who ache for a help Entirely holy, all powerful and most marvellous. Call us back to restore us, Lord Jesus, For God created us for a holy purpose. Be evidently present to us today. “God loves you very much ... don’t be afraid! Calm yourself; be strong – yes, strong!” (Daniel 10 v 19 TLB) “Return, O LORD, and rescue me. Save me because of Your unfailing love.” (Psalm 6 v 4 NLT) Please pray to be convinced that God is well able to do all He promises to do. Please pray to better understand and appreciate the salvation the Lord Jesus wins for us at the †, gaining our forgiveness. Please pray to see satan banished from amongst us. Please pray for the power of holy love to overcome all that is evil. Please pray for more people to recognise the sin in our ‘anything goes’ society and to be resolved to overcome this. Please pray for the redemption of society. Please pray for our Lenten observances of fasting, prayer and almsgiving to be a tried and tested and successful method in choosing life. Please pray for a holy purpose to motivate all we decide, do and say, that the power of holy love becomes more evident. Please pray for justice and peace throughout the world. Please pray for scientists and explorers that their new discoveries are used to bring glory to God. Please pray for us all to develop a fully contrite heart that we make better progress in all the ways of holy love. Please pray for our life to give better witness to the gospel message of love, which develops hope, peace and joy amongst us, admitting where we have gone wrong, resolved to do better in the future. Amen. 19.02.21 Sue O’Donnell
By Sue O'Donnell 07 Aug, 2021
“...A Saviour has been born in Bethlehem, the Lord’s Anointed One, the Christ, the Messiah.” (Luke 2 v 11 The Truth) God’s gift to us, is love, Love in the Baby Jesus, His life appointed by our Father, Anointed by the Holy Spirit. “May the Lord, the God of Israel, be praised! For He has come to His people and has redeemed them.” (Luke 1 v 68 The Truth) Jesus is the Saviour born to us To rescue us from brokenness, The effect of satan prowling about Looking to devour us, get rid of us. “ not will to please your natural, sinful desires. And be constantly aware that your enemy the devil is always prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for those he can devour. Resist him firmly because your faith gives you the power to do so.” (1 Peter 5 v 8 The Truth) Jesus comes to remedy this brokenness, our vulnerability. For sin is serious. Sin destroys our relationship with the Trinity. Sin has the ability to put us in captivity to satan firmly. “ ‘...Mary...she has conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit. She will have a Son, whom you are to call Jesus, because He will save the people from their sins’.” (Matthew 1 v 21 The Truth) A Saviour’s birth here on earth. Was promised by God making a covenant. Then He verified this by speaking to us, Seeking our understanding through the Prophets like Isaiah. “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9 v 6) Who will Christ Jesus be to us? He will be God’s Son, the holy One, love manifest. As the Word made flesh, Jesus is the Prince of Peace And the eternal King of Glory, He is our Forever Saviour. “ ‘All heavenly and earthly authority has been given to Me. So now I tell you to go and make disciples in every nation. Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey all that I have taught and commanded you. And be assured of this: I am always present with you, even to the end of this age’.” (Colossians 1 v 13 The Truth) Jesus comes as the Light of the world, He is the holy light, love light, Fall of wisdom and truth to benefit us, In His holiness He does bless us fully. “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice; from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” (Isaiah 9 v 7) Praise ever, ever be to God’s glory. Jesus rescues us from the dominion of darkness. The Holy Spirit transforms us by holiness, Into Jesus’ kingdom of love and mercy to bless us. “For He has already rescued us from the devil’s dominion of darkness and has brought us into His own Kingdom, the Kingdom that belongs to His Son.” (Matthew 28 v 18, 19, 20 The Truth) “ ‘To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing, honour, glory and might for ever and ever’.” (Revelation 5 v 12 The Truth) “ Amen! It shall be so’.” (Revelation 5 v 14 The Truth) Father God, great in our midst will stand the holy One of Israel, Your appointed, anointed Son, such a precious gift to the world. This had to happen to fulfil what had been prophetically spoken. Make us ready, please make us ready to receive the Light of the World, who cuts across our sinfulness with His steadfast loving kindness. Jesus is no warrior King. He is a Saviour King who effects Your mercy. What glorious words we hear spoken to us. “Jesus shouted: ‘When anyone believes in Me, (s)he not only believes in Me, but also in the Father who sent Me’.” (John 12 v 45) You have gifted us Your Son out of such love and compassion for our brokenness. Thank You. “ ‘To look at Me is to look at the Father who sent Me. I came to bring light into the world, to deliver from darkness those who believe in Me’.” (v 46) You have sent us not only a Saviour, but a Teacher and Leader. Thank You that the Christmas story is one of the greatest, most marvellous and miraculous anecdotes that have ever been told. And best of all, it is true! We dare because of our rescue from satan as accomplished by the Lord Jesus, to call on the Holy Spirit to purify and sanctify us, that our life may be consecrated to You firmly, reverently. This is a privilege, thank You. “The truth lives in us and will always be with us.” (2 John v 1 The Truth) We can never thank nor praise You sufficiently for the gift of salvation, the rescue won for us by Jesus at the †. Because our pardon is justified by Jesus’ holy sacrifice, we can say may You, “God the Father and Jesus Christ, Your Son, imparts grace, mercy and peace to us in truth and love.” (based on John v 3) Surely this is what the world needs now, to live in the truth of Your love for us, as shown to us by the Lord Jesus, verified and clarified by the Holy Spirit, who imparts this grace, mercy and peace to us. Dearest Father, may we always rejoice to know what You have done for us in gifting us our Saviour Brother. You are to be warmly praised for this new birth we are profoundly blessed by, according to Your mercy. You have gifted us Christ Jesus, the living hope of mankind, the fulfilment of prophecy and every word of Your promise to save us, to prepare us for our eternal homeland in heaven. You have sent us the Holy Spirit to aid us in this work of redemption. Christmas sees the first visible sign of our inheritance, our right to be called Your children. Thank You that this inheritance is “...incorruptible and undefiled and does not fade away, being reserved in heaven for us, who are kept by Your power through faith...” (based on 1 Peter 1 v 4, 5) We are in constant spiritual combat with satan, but Your gracious Spirit hurries to our aid whenever we pray, then He stands guard over us. His amazing power is our protection. It is this peace of knowing we have a Saviour which guards our hearts and minds at all times. Thank You for all You do for us and all You gift us so generously. Thank you especially for Christmas. When life does not work out as we have planned, designed or hoped for, may the Holy Spirit remind us to take refuge in the love and assurance the Lord Jesus offers to us. Above and beyond all else in the world, the Lord Jesus our Saviour, our Master yet our Friend, it is in Him we find the love, the peace and the joy we always seek. Jesus is indeed our living hope for a brighter, better, holier future. Thank You so such most merciful Father. Amen. 17.12.20 Sue O’Donnell
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''O God, You have taught me from my youth; and to this day I declare Your wonderful works. Now also when I am old and grey headed, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.” Psalm 71 v 17,18l'

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