Endorsement - Revd David Mawson

The Revd David Mawson

Book Review: Listen Carefully to me - Sue and Hugh O'Donnell

I have in my Breviary the book which contains the Daily Office of the Church, a card which has a quotation from the writings of Dag Hammarskjold, who was Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1953 until his death in a plane crash in 1961. This quotation has been a great inspiration to me over many years and says, quite simply: “The more faithfully you listen to the voice within you, the better you will hear what is sounding outside.”

This book is very much the product of many years of faithful listening to that still, small voice and understanding the implications of the understanding brought by that listening. It is not a book to be rushed through but savoured and pondered while the meaning is interpreted afresh for each reader. It is truly a book to be prayed with, and like all true prayer will change the pray-er in ways that may not be expected.

The habit of journaling our spiritual pilgrimage is one which is to be commended because it gives us the opportunity to look back at our journey up to the present time and perhaps see what has happened in perspective. In this remarkable book we can see the fruit of a growing personal relationship with the Father who knows us even better than we know ourselves.

We can all find inspiration and encouragement in ‘Listen Carefully to Me’, but we must do all those things: listen – carefully – to Him.

The Revd David Mawson
Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, UK

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