Endoresement - Partrick Strong


Book Review: Listen carefully to me - Sue & Hugh O’Donnell

This book produced by two of our Parishioners, Sue and Hugh O’Donnell, is a series of short inspirational daily readings spread throughout the year. They are an excellent devotional aid to identifying God’s presence and purpose through the circumstances of our lives.

The text, which is deftly written, is framed in the form of letters from Jesus and the Father. This gives us a unique personal encounter with Jesus because He speaks directly to us. In this sense they reminded me of another famous classical spiritual work, The Imitation of Christ, the work of Thomas a Kempis, a fifteenth century spiritual writer. In this work also the Lord speaks directly to the reader in the form of a dialogue between the Beloved and the Learner.

Listen carefully to me challenges us to reflect on God’s purpose in the situations in which we find ourselves. The introduction to the text sets the scene and background to the book; to draw us into a deeper, personal relationship with the Lord and release us into a new level of hope and joy. In this respect it achieves its purpose admirably.

Whilst the time commitment to reading these reflections is minimal, one page to a day, the wisdom they contain is truly challenging and inspirational. To have achieved such clarity and insight is a remarkable achievement. It is an excellent companion on our spiritual journey not just for Lent but throughout the year. As such it is highly recommended. 

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